I love to design.
Simple as that. I absolutely thrive on knowing that not any 2 things HAVE to be the same. I imagine this post should be sufficient enough for you to capture how much I truly love the art of creating, but just in case, I'll say it again.
I love to design.
Allow me to introduce one of k.Mac's newest bag designs...
{Meet Ruby}
This sweet girl came to me about 6 months ago.
So here's how I roll:
- my mind searches for new bag tricks all subconscious-like under the mommy radar.
- a design hits my conscious mental faculties.
- I rush to scratchscribble it down with these trusty guys.
- I grab fabric first free opportunity I get {i.e. 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning when all sewings, mommying, and wifeing is done}
- Ahhhh, I create.
I can usually get the finished product I want on the first try. I guess my brain is smart enough to calculate and play doctor on it long enough before it sends it on down to my conscious grubby paws.
Then I carry the bag for about 4-6 months to test it for durability, functionality, and overall cute curb appeal.
This Ruby is rockin' out, ladies. Enjoy a little eye candy of this girl, won't you?
Here she is as a diaper bag. A-DOR-ABLE.
And as an airplane carry-on/travel bag:Dupioni silk bows. I love the change in texture here.
And her name? Well this story is the best.
Kenny named her. I brought her into the kitchen and twirled her around in fashion show form to show Kenny. I asked, "What do you think? I still haven't named her."
He gave me the once over. Came over and held the bag to get a closer look. Then he said, "This is Ruby."
I asked why.
And he simply replied, "This bag has personality. It's got pizazz and looks ready to go some place fun for a heck of a good time. That was my mamaw."
Ruby was his mamaw's name.
And a perfect name for this bag too.
I tease in the name of this post {My Ruby}.
I am in baby fever mode. I got the fever for a third, girlies.
Kenny does not.
I joke with him all the time saying if we did have a 3rd child, I think it would be a girl. To which he shakes his head and does the whole creepy crawly shiver dance all without saying a word as he turns his back to me.
I tell him I think we should name her Ruby.
Mollye was my first choice, but has been wonderfully used by this stinkin' sweet girl that I can't get enough of.
Then I also liked Carlye as Kenny's mom's name is Carlene after her father, Carl. But my cousin Katie has a sweet little one named Carlie who will be 3 in October.
So I gotta have a Ruby, don't I?
At this point in my life, I think so.
Again, Kenny does not.
Thus {My Ruby} will have to be this bag design.
Perhaps you might want {My Ruby} to be {Your Ruby}?
Cool. I think I know where they make them. :)
This bag design comes in small, medium, or large. Just email me at meghan@kmaccreations.com if you are interested in {My Ruby}.
The best part about this Ruby as opposed to the one my uterus so desperately wants is that this one comes potty trained!
Stay tuned as I have deemed this week bag week. I have been far behind on posting some of our latest custom designs. I plan to do a little bag love on this ole blog.
Happy Monday!
.mac :)
This is my fav by far...how incredibly talented you are!!!
I wish I had half of your talent and creativity!
Tell the hubby all your bloggy friends said to GO for baby number 3. That should convince him. I mean we are the voice of reason, right?!
You need a sweet lil girl.
I must post a comment on this particular blog....because i LOVE my RUBY!! I use it sooo much!! Meg will tell you that I was a little scared of how voluptuous she was...but girls, I LOVE HER. AND I GET STANDING OVATIONS everytime I bring her places...usually at the pool or lake or on an airplane..or the movies when I want to sneak treats in.... I LOVE HER!!
Oh and .... I love the name Ruby for your 3rd.. :)
Love u Meg!
One last thing... Meg, I haven't forgotten about the photo with my Curtsy!! Sooo sorry about the delay...but I also think you should do a blog on HER... I carry her on a daily basis and get at least one compliment a day!!!
peace, love & kmac,
Nicole :)
Yes, you need a lil Ruby. Tell Kenny that its a sign and show him the diaper bag for Ruby Mae :)
I married a man with two sons from a previous marriage and well, he says "He's done". I still talk to him all the time about having a lil one...hopefully a girl. Hopefully we can get our way!
ohhh Meg, I truly feel for you! Baby fever gets you hard and it just makes your heart sink when someone busts your bubble! I am on your side, you need a 3rd! Your business is hopping right? You can stay up extra late, right, to earn a thirds college fund! I love the bag, hope to see you soon!
I love your Ruby, too! Gorgeous! I think that may be my favorite non-extra large bag design of yours, too. SO much personality, too.
You know, we have a Ruby, too, but she's a big ol' basset hound. She's very cute and sweet, but I'd have to say your bag is prettier.
And I feel you on the baby fever.
(Don't worry, you'll win...)
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