They matter.
Feel comfortable.
Feel at home.
But most of all, feel inspired.
Find a place where your dreams seem like reality.
Where your heart craves to be.
Where you are in love with what you do.
A place where happiness marries God's gifts to you.
Find it.
And feel proud to call it yours.
When I first began k.Mac it was at the kitchen table after the boys had sailed off to dream land. Long nights. Lots of shuffling. Unpacking supplies and materials. Re-packing before the boys got up to avoid accidents and the outside chance that one would sew an ear to a sippy cup or even better, decide that one of our cats need a haircut.
Then about a year ago, the boys and I went on a vacation with Ma and Pa. (my dad and step-mom.) Vacations in the fall with a football coach and English teacher are slim to none, peeps. Kenny is all RB LION from about July to December. Leaving the husband at home isn't the most fun, but a girl just can't completely miss vacation opportunities WITH adult help! Can I get an amen here mamas??
At the time of this vacation, Eli was 2 1/2 and Casey was about 8 months old. You can imagine what your mentality might be after about a 14 hour drive STRAIGHT THROUGH to the homestead! Ummmm, yeah...just a tinsy bit in need of a break and a beer or two.
So we come wheeling into the driveway to find JUST ABOUT THE BEST HUSBAND EVER!!! While I was away, he turned our front computer/library room into a space for my sewing studio! Yeah, he got a kiss on the mouth for this one.
We had an old HUGE cabinet type thingie that used to be in our first home. It was eggpant purple. He painted it white. He bought a folding table for me to use for my sewing table as well as a portable display for purse parties. And last but not least, he cleaned out the computer/library room which ,who am I kidding, should more accuarately be deemed THE JUNK ROOM.
Ahhhh, a space. For me. To create. To do what I love.
So, I thought I would show you around a bit.
Here's what used to be the eggplant purple cabinet. Can you believe I got this piece for free? SCORE, I say.
Fun rug!
Sparkly vase. Must have for me. Sparkle, that is. Not so much the vase.
Drawers for notions and small supplies.
Shelf to house reference books and inspirational sources.
A lil' fabric love
k.Mac's order "production" line system. These bins help me to keep my projects organized with supplies. I just pull them out based on their label, work, and then easily store my work in progress back on the shelf for an easy clean up. I keep a copy of the client's order form on a clip board inside the bin as well.
I work based on the time frame each order was made. This bin would be the one I pull first to complete...hence the "Right this minute" tag, but say it in your mind like a mama yelling at her kid to get over here...
Batter up...
On deck for later in the work week..
My top 2 reasons this dream has become a reality for me. Love these kiddos.
I have never had a formal sewing lesson. I received a sewing machine from Ma and Pa (see above for relation) almost 3 years ago for a birthday gift. Little did I know what gift God had in store for me. I truly believe all credit is to Him due for my success in this profession. Thanks, Big Guy!
A happy project the boys and I did last spring brings a smile to my face. The idea is from this textile genius. Kenny was at work during this art project, but props to my man is evident; check out my left ring finger!! Um, yeah. I totally used silver sparkle paint for this accessory. I told you it was a must have for me.
There he is again, that handsome devil.
More fabric love. Tins were from here.
My palette paradise!
Shelf was from one of my favorite places on 1/2 off weekend. Thinking about doing some fun paint and weathering to it, but haven't decided on exactly what just yet.
Ribbon for thank you tags.
Profile of the white cabinet. Pretend we are on a virtual tour with the snazzy music playing right about now.
This room has 3 windows. I love that these 2 windows are low to the floor. Any chance I get, these windows are up so that all of what is out can inspire me while I am in. Could not resist making tab curtains for the studio from the fabric of this icon.
My idea board. A Christmas gift from my new brother-in-law, Jonathan last year. He made it himself. Couldn't have asked for a better gift. I lucked up when he drew my name.
My mom's teaching chair. It was in her classroom. Then it was in my classroom. I thought it only fitting that it find its home in here. I love the POP of crazy,lime green!
My cutting station. This table was a steal about 7 years ago at a junk store for $30.00. It has a metal top. This guy has been avocado green, colbalt blue, khaki, and now...TA-DA! I think she likes this look best. Ain't nothin' like a polka dot...
k.Mac co-workers...
Mom's quote to me from a letter she wrote me when I was 18. It resounds in me more and more as I continue this k.Mac journey.
The sewing table. I pieced some fun fabrics together to make this table skirt. The skirt is attached using velcro strips and hot glue. Ahh, hot glue. A teacher's best friend. Underneath this table is perfectly boxed and alphabetized storage bins. NOT!!! Let's not look under there, okay?
k.Mac fabric collections
Another k.Mac employee sighting...
My secretary's office and UPS. Ha!
Press! You know the above mentioned, BEST HUSBAND EVER? Well, when k.Mac made the paper, guess who went and had it framed to hang in my studio?
Lastly, these doors close and lock so projects are safe from 2 sets of 10 fingers that belong to ones that stand about to my mid thigh and lower waist...elves live here, you guessed it.
Now then. I now know how it might feel to be on this show.
Hope y'all come back now, ya here?
.mac :-)
LOVE your studio!!!!! Thanks for the fabulous tour!
I want to eat your studio for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Beautiful! Such a wonderful place! You are such an amazing woman!
What a wonderful place to create!
I think you could paint the shelf a light green, similar to my chalkboard. Give it a light sanding to help the paint adhere and then paint it. Once the paint is dry take some sandpaper and rough it up along the edges. Try not to be real uniform when you sand it, just do it here and there, heavy in some areas and lighter in others. Then if you really like the distressed look go over it with a little stain to give it a more aged look.
You might even consider painting the back of it a different color to really make your fabrics stand out.
OoooRr,You could be paint it black and then paint the inside a hot pink, bright yellow, aqua, or lime green. That's the beauty of black, it compliments just about anything!
I hope you'll show off the finished project.
I love your studio!
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