You ready?
For another giveaway?
I thought so.
I'm keepin' it short and simple, ladies.
Two words: Chartreuse Mouse
Four words: Make a mama happy!
the gift?
the treasure?
the goods?
the prize?
the nest egg?
the token?
the hot tamale?
You know the deal:
1. Post a comment to put your name in for the drawing.
Answer this question:
My signature color for this spring is going to be ___________.
2. Post about this giveaway with a link back my blog to let me know and you are in not once, not twice, but 3 times.
3. Sit back and wait it out girlie, girls....
The drawing will be in the afternoon of this Friday the 13th!
Feeling generous...
.mac :)
I found you on Ruby Red Slipper's blog...so happy I did! OK, my signature color for this spring is going to be....whatever strikes my fancy! If I like something A LOT and it suits me, I buy it. I'm really not one to worry too much about the latest trends. What a great giveaway!
I almost forgot...I'm off to post and I'll add a blurb down at the bottom about your giveaway...THANKS!
I published on my blog. Were you able to get onto it? Let me know again if you cannot access it. Lizbeth
Should I say green if I want to win a bag??
I also like pink...
Yeah! I love chartreuse moose! I think my signature color for this spring is going to be chartreuse (especially if I win!). Have a great day!
I also posted a link on my blog. :)
To quote one of my all-time favorite movies . . . "My colors are blush and bashful, Mamma. Two very delicate shades of pink. Pink is my signature color!" While pink is my standard signature color, I chose green for spring! My plans are for a mixture of greens for a monocrhomatic look!
Oodles of love & cheer,
Energy (aka Angie B. representing Nash-vegas, TN!)
Your giveaway image and link are front and center on my facebook account. Hip-hop-horay! Ho!
Good luck fellow k.Mac followers!
As the lucky winner last week, I have to say...RED will be my signature color this Spring, since I will be carrying my new KMAC luxury bag :)
I have posted on my blog and no I'm not a greedy girl...I do hereby promise if I am the winner that I will find someone to share my prize with.
PS. Hope Case-Face is ok.
Ok ~ so lime green is my favorite Spring color and I just love, love, love your designs!!
I'm here from April's and I would love to win whatever it is you will be giving away on Friday! Love that fabric!
My signature colors for this spring are going to be pale yellow and pale pink...and I think it would go just splendidly with that Chartreuse green.:)
I'm off to post a link!
Definitely sign me up! How fun.
My signature color... Hmm, I am normally not a pastel person. BUT I am really getting into green lately. -Whether it's lime green, pea green or emerald green!
** I did a little "shout out" for ya on my blog post today! ;)
my signature color will probably be something neutral as we are hoping to put our house up for sale in the coming months (the market is so great and all ;)
So fun! My signature color this spring will continue to be green and brown. It reminds me of green for growing and living life and brown dirt (good soil) to grow out of. I love those colors together and I love that they have meaning to me! ;)
Oh wow-I am so tickled to enter this drawing-one of my firsts :-) LOVE your bags-hope I win :-) :-) :-) My signature color this season would be ANYTHING with pinks-browns-greens-Oh spring...I feel it in my bones. I have posted and linked to you as well -smiles
If I win this fabric, it will be green. If not, I think yellow!
I love your creations! My signature color this spring will be kelley green.
My signature color for this Spring......green. Love it! I'm posting on my blog right now!! ;)
My signature colors this spring are pink and green! I love, love, love them together!
I'm IN LOVE with the fabric in this post. IN LOVE!!!!
I'd love to say that my signature color will be black for Spring...because I do miss my black during Spring time. But I think I'll be rocking Aqua...and that fabulous Shamrock Green color.
I'm adding your giveaway to my post for tomorrow. Woot! Woot!
It looks like Chartreuse, Chartreuse, and more Chartreuse for springtime. And springtime is almost here!
I'm going to blog your giveaway on my blog. I learned about it on Daisyeyes.
Chartreuse Mouse? Are you serious? I am so excited. Didn't I tell you how much I love this print the last time I was on your blog? Um, yes, yes, I think I did.
I do believe you are hosting a contest just for me. (Even if you are not, just play along. My ego is very fragile.)
Hmmm...my signature color for spring is going to be kelly green.
I do hope that I win!
I blogged your giveaway.
Yellow, every shade of yellow! Of course I'll sprinkle in green, pink, violet and robin's egg blue.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Hi, Great giveaway...giveaway's are fun!!
My signature color this spring will be lt. blue.
Have a great day!
My spring colors are yellow and HOT pink!
and i can't seem to decide a favorite of any of your designs. not that that's a requirement. i think i'm stuck on the bag you had at the retreat more than anything. what is that design called?
Sister...looks like there is some big competition for this weeks giveaway!!! I AM IN!!
My spring color...will be yellow! I am excited for the sunshine and bright colors!!!!
You are going on my facebook page!!!!
Much love to ya KMAC...
My signature color will be lilac!
Hey Meghan! My signature colors for spring will be purple (more of a lilac) and yellow. What a combination:) Hope all is well. Looking forward to seeing you in April!
Also, I have a update on my facebook with a link to your blog!
Well you're on my blog sister and my favorite color is egg plant this spring.
Here's to hoping!
My signature color for spring this year would have to be vibrant green! Love, love, love! Great giveaway!!
My signature color for spring is green. Please add me as a participant for the purse giveaway. Oh and I can't wait to get my green wallet:)
Connie Stobert
I have always loved green. It IS my favorite color and Zach's to! It reminds us of the out doors and when it finally gets warm again. It is serene and peaceful- so absolutely green!
After looking at all of your beautiful fabrics, I have decided to use pink and green as my signature colors for Spring.
You really have some beautiful products, Meghan as well as a beautiful husband and children.
I think my comment got lost in space! I don't see it. Oh my, hope I'm not too late. Green!!!
I might be too late but just in case, please enter my name in the hat. I'll probably still be wearing a lot of pink and brown. :o)
lime green and brown. Hope I'm not too late to be entered. :)
I want it! I want the Roadster..hello?!
So excited about this giveaway. My signature color for Spring is most definitely green!! Keeping my fingers crossed for the big win.
My signature color this spring is probably green. Don't know though, all these post pregnancy hormones make me change my mind alot!!
Tara Canterbury
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