Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Designer's Eye

It's safe to say we love pretending at our home.  The boys are masterminds when it comes to this art form.  I love knowing that one day, when they are off on their own grown up adventures,  Kenny and I  will be able to look back on their creative little souls and re-read memories like this one and this one and this one too.  Seven and five years has passed by all too quickly.  Best I collect and preserve what I am quite certain is the best days of my life as mama.

The boys have always been enamored with pirate life.  There is just something so mystical and cool about being a vagabond to the sea. A life filled of mystery and adventure, of strife and stowaways.  Of dirt and swords too.

Kenny and I have caved in the progression of movie militance.  We began as parents devout in the PG theory.  PG and G would be the life for our little men until at least the early 'tween' years.  But, the story lines were so tempting and chock full of plots procured with all things little boy hopeful.  The caving began first with the Avengers on Mother's Day weekend followed by the viewing of each individual superhero movie that proceeded.  (A special thank you to the $1 video rental for each).  We, of course, extensively researched the content of each movie, finding only that violence was the real issue.  Violence being a whole lotta battles.  Language and adult content notsomuch the case.

We have loved watching these as a family.  

Then, Pirates of the Caribbean was naturally next on deck.  Eli and Casey are completely head over heels with Jack Sparrow.  They love his whimsical humor and ad hoc ways of escape.  The gory scenes have not been a problem at all.  I think the "serious mom talk" of fiction and non-fiction along with the fact that these 2 have wonderful imaginations to begin with has been most helpful.

Again, we have so enjoyed these movies together all piled up on the couch.  

And, you know what else I love?  Watching my Eli and Casey scour Goodwill bins,  make tears and tie ties and re-purpose 10 & 20 cent finds to create their very own Jack Sparrow.  On this particular day, Casey was the model and Eli was the designer.  They trade off and take turn about designing for the other.  

The jacket was their Uncle Kevin's {aka Hane Hane} from when he was a little boy.  

I am the proud mama to some really clever designing eyes.  

And, yes.  My heart doth skip a beat.

.mac :)

{week 31}

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