When you are in the business of purse making and spinach is your most favorite of vegetables...one must snack on these.
Yes, it's true. I munched on these yummies for the last half of my holiday making segment of custom orders. If anyone was to drive by my house oh, say anywhere from 1:00-2:00 in the morning, they could quite possibly have seen this exact plate sitting on my cutting table with me in my ever-presh and completely trendy jammies which consists of my husband's football shirts from high school or college along with jammie pants from circa 1998.
To complete your mental image, I would have had on hiking socks and my runner up clip from trusy ole k. as we all know what happened to the last one.
That's what I give these munchies. Can only find them at BILO and I have opted to not look at the nutritional information. They're better that way.
The holidays for us were re-arranged, arranged, and re-arranged again. Through it all though, I feel like our family had a good celebration of Christ's birth.
There is so much to post about so I think I will do it from time to time gradually so as to allow all the goodness of story to flow.
First topic to report: Casey face is in a big boy bed.
Below is a picture of his first night asleep in his new bed...
Say it isn't so...my tee-tiny one is no longer behind bars.
For the rest of my life, I hope that the above sentence will always remain a true statement.
He is so proud of his new bed which happens to be the bed Eli went into at a mere 19 months as we had to get the crib ready for Casey's arrival. So Casey got to enjoy his crib a few months more than Eli as Casey took the big boy plunge at 22 months.
Santa delivered.
The boys must have been good because good ole St. Nick left them just exactly what they ordered...
Casey---my baller.
I can already envision his swaggerly strut-type run through the Power T...
Eli--my engineer.
This kid knows more about trains than most adults. Diesels, Steam engines, gondolas, piggy back cars...E man is on it.
As for Kenny and I, we are still on the quest to complete our 25 acts.
Yeah, there was a deadline. We each have like 7 more to do. I say deadlines definitely deserve extensions when you are doing nothing but the spreading goodness.
Anyone else out there working on their acts? I hope there are several of you making extensions or, better yet, in extra credit mode.
Our world needs as many acts of kindness as it can get.
The new year.
Uh-huh. It's almost here.
Happy 2009!
In honor of this upcoming newness, the blog got a facelift!
My theme for this new year in all areas of my life:
"This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine."
It's got nothing but good vibes and positive energy all over it. I like it that way.
Tonight the Cobbles are hosting a couples' pajama party to ring in the new year. This party is complete with a money pot (winner to be announced at midnight), couples Wii challenge, mistletoe kiss contest, Do I Dare Challenge, and, my personal favorite, the revealing of every guests' bucket list based on this super fine flick.
And, of course, any and all New Years Resolutions for 2009. Only we are asking that these resolutions come with a time frame to accomplish and are bit more specific. All guests are on board with this plan as we all hope to keep ourselves accountable for the greatness and goodness ahead.
I wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope this new calendar brings us all hope, happinesss, humility, and hardwork.
It's all what we choose to make it.
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine...
.mac :-)